Women’s Retreat
Posted by Bend City Church on February 9, 2012

GIRLS-we would love for you to join the women of BCC for two days of fun, hanging out, being encouraged and more. We will be meeting at Camp Silverbrook, which is a local retreat center right here in West Bend, so you can join us for some of it or hopefully all of it. You do not have to spend the night, but it would be great if you can.
The retreat center is beautifully located right on a lake. There will be lots to do!
Below is a rough draft of the schedule.
4:30-5:00 sign in/get settled
5:00-6:00 dinner
6:00-6:30 ice breaker
6:30-7:30 worship/teaching
7:30-8:30 games
8:30-?? free time
8:00-9:00 breakfast
9:00-9:30 worship/teaching
9:30-10:30 art project
10:30-11:30 free time
11:30-12:30 lunch
12:30-1:30 testimony/prayer groups
1:30-2:30 free time/clean up
We believe this will be a great chance to get to know one another even better and very valuable. Please come for as much as you are able! Last year there were lots of laughs and many women who commented they were hesitant to come, but so thankful they did.
Cost: $25 ($15 if you are not spending the night). Please let us know if you need help with any or all of the cost!
Click HERE for a map
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