Prayer and Fasting
Posted by Shane Pionkowski on January 25, 2012

Last year in the month of February we called the church to a commitment to pray and fast one day a week for the month of February. As we did last year, we are calling the church to fast again this year for 4 Wednesdays in the month of February starting February 8th. Many people have never heard of the idea of fasting much less taken part. Last year, I posted a blog post that explained prayer and fasting as a Christian discipline. I wanted to re-post this to give the biblical background. From last year:
Matthew 9:14-15
Then the disciples of John came to him, saying, “Why do we and the Pharisees
fast, but your disciples do not fast?” And Jesus said to them, “Can the wedding
guests mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? The days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast.
Other times fasting is mentioned in the New Testament are Matthew 6:16, Acts 13:2, Acts 14:23, and 1 Corinthians 7:5.
Purpose of Fasting
When Jesus was on the earth, his disciples did not fast. When Jesus returns and we are with him, we will not fast. This gives us insight on the purpose of fasting. Fasting exists because we are not yet with Jesus. Fasting should come from a longing to be closer and have deeper relationship with God while we are not physically with Him. There are very practical ways that fasting creates deeper relationship with God. Once a God-given pleasure such as food or marital relations is voluntarily removed for a time, it is constant reminder of the giver of all gifts and a reminder of the necessity of the giver. Also, if fasting is combined with seeking God in prayer, the hunger caused by fasting can remind the faster to seek God in prayer. This is obviously not meant to be an exhaustive explanation of fasting, but a general overview.
What Fasting Is Not
There are 3 main pitfalls that I can see regarding fasting that bear mentioning.
1. Fasting is not a means to earn acceptance from God
Luke 18 tells of a Pharisee that was excited because of all that God had allowed him to do and was basing his acceptance from God on his works. One of which was fasting twice a week. Jesus explains in Luke 18:14 that this Pharisee, despite his twice a week fasting, was not justified before God
2. Fasting should not be done to distinguish yourself as a good Christian to others
Matthew 6:16-18
“And when you fast, do not look gloomy like the hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces that their fasting may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, that your fasting may not be seen by others but by your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.
3. Fasting is not an arm twisting of God for Him to answer your prayer
This is probably the most subtle of issues that can arise. The chain of events can go like this. We have a prayer need. We’ve decided to not only pray, but to pray and fast to seek God’s guidance. When the answer does not come as expected, we feel cheated because we were really devoted to God and he didn’t fulfill his end of the bargain.
Fasting must be done in an attitude of humility as we seek guidance and direction from an all-knowing, all-wise God. God, in His wisdom, may choose to withhold what we think we need or answer in an unexpected way.
Why Call Bend City to Fast
As we are entering our second year as a local church, there are 2 issues that we see needing direction and wisdom from the Lord. Among other needs, these are going to be the 2 needs we focus on during our time of prayer and fasting.
1. Direction of Discipleship- Jesus commanded the church to make disciples and to teach the disciples. This is a given. What is not a given is how this is done. We feel God will give us specific direction and wisdom to teach and train the disciples, raise up leaders from among the body, and create an atmosphere for making disciples that make disciples.
2. Ministry to the City- We are expectant that God will make more clear where we are to focus our efforts in being a light to the city of West Bend. More specifically, where can God’s people be empowered by God’s spirit to do acts of service to the world around us.
Fasting- The Practice
Some will argue that fasting must be done in such and such a way. If you feel called to fast from a certain food or only eat certain foods or fast from entertainment, etc., that is excellent and you should be obedient to your Godly conviction. From Scripture, I do not see a certain prescribed method of fasting, and thus, believe there is some freedom on the matter. Scott and I will be fasting from certain foods similar to what Daniel had done in Daniel 10. Other methods of fasting that can be done are eating only bread and water, drinking only juice, abstaining from TV and internet, or abstaining from other forms of entertainment. Remember, the goal is closeness with God, not how much can I resist proving I am Godly.
Looking forward to seeking God with you for His glory.
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