Jesus, Jesus, Song of God
Posted by Bend City Church on January 9, 2012

A member of Bend City Church wrote this a while back. I thought it was beautiful and am sharing it with permission.
“Jesus, Jesus, Song of God
in the bosom of Your heavenly place
the melody rang so strong
it burst the dark of time and space,
and the angels sang along.”
From lips of love divine,
breathed out,
made flesh the Word
in infant’s shout
Jesus, Jesus, Song of God.
Your melody, ancient of days,
rests quietly now on manger bed,
in harmony with the maiden’s ways
and lullabies as You are fed.
Jesus, Jesus, Song of God.
The Word, sweet song,
now in babe whispered low,
will crescendo throughout Judah,
in lion’s roar.
Jesus, Jesus, Song of God.”
by Mary Kidney
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