Bend City Church “Fall Bash”
Posted by Bend City Church on August 28, 2013

The only thing on the agenda is to have a great time….
When and Where:
Saturday, September 14th from 4pm to 7pm we will be holding a “fall bash” in the Bend City parking lot located at:
224 Butternut St, West Bend, WI 53095
What’s involved:
kids crafts
bounce house
face painting
dunk tank
FREE COOKOUT provided by Bend City Church.
Who’s involved:
anybody and everybody (Yes, you are invited if you are reading this and know absolutely no one from Bend City)
This is a low-pressure event…you will not be pressured to sign-up for anything! We want you to come to have a great time. If you have kids, there will be plenty for them to do also. This will be a great opportunity to hang out, enjoy conversation, let the kids have a lot of fun, and eat some great food. Please join us!
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