Let Faith Move to Action
Posted by Shane Pionkowski on April 9, 2013

Recently at bedtime my boys and I read through Hebrews 11 which is known as the “faith chapter”. Essentially the writer of Hebrews defines faith as “the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen” (ESV) and then gives examples of men and women in the bible that had faith and their faith produced some sort of action. I’ve read this many times, but this time was struck by the variance of actions that the different characters did. Not a complete list, some of the actions were: offering a sacrifice, building a boat, moving to an unknown land, offering a son as a sacrifice, blessing of sons, giving directions for burial, hiding a child, refusing to live in riches, and on and on.
And although the act that was prompted by faith was different for each man or women, they were all commended by God because their hope in God moved them to action. Faith resulted in action…
It is a very basic equation: if what God has said is true then I….(fill in the blank)
And just so we don’t put these men and women on a pedestal we can read through the bible to see all the weaknesses that existed in the midst of “faith in action.” These were sinful men and women that, in spite of weakness, chose to trust God and take Him at His Word.
If God is calling you to do something that you may not feel adequate for, GO FOR IT! The promise is great.
Hebrews 11 ends with remarkable verses that sum up where each and every person of faith, past and future, is headed. Even these men and women of faith didn’t ULTIMATELY receive what they were waiting for. The best is yet to come….for all of them and those who walk in their footsteps.
Hebrews 11:39-40
And all these (speaking of the men and women of faith), though commended through their faith, did not receive what was promised, since God had provided something better for us, that apart from us they should not be made perfect.
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