Disciples Go
Posted by Scott Schampers on June 11, 2013

Matthew 28:19-20 ESV – Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Jesus commissioned us to go; to go on His mission, and to go with Him.
Jesus told us to go, but didn’t mention a place. The place wasn’t the point. Christ’s great commission is bigger than a place – He’s calling us to a purpose. It is the equivalent of “Let’s Go” after the huddle – what’s really being said is “let’s go win”. It means ‘go’, ‘do’, ‘represent’, ‘act’, ‘carry-out’, and “let’s get moving”. Places are incidental to purpose because purpose always propels you forward in some way. You can’t get a hold of a grand purpose without it propelling you forward in a grand way. And you can’t be propelled forward in a grand way without it transforming even your every day places into grand places.
What purposes drive your routine? Is it money, power, safety, relationship, stability, success? Jesus is calling us to leave these old, dead, tired, motivators of the flesh and get going with new purpose. He is calling us to go with the very purpose that He came for. And what was that purpose? Luk 19:10 ESV – 10 For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” He came to make disciples and He is calling us to a purposeful life of the same. Do you need new purpose? A new mission? How have you purposefully made room for Christ’s mission in your life? If purpose always causes us to go, then new purpose will always cause us to change something.
But we don’t do this alone. He tells us that He will be with us. The disciple of Christ has the Spirit of Jesus living within them to “help” (John 16:7-11) them accomplish the mission. After all this is a ‘co-mission’ as in ‘co-operate’ or ‘co-laborer’. We don’t go alone. We go with Him. And as we labor for Christ we quickly realize even more just how present He is. So “LET’S GO”. What can stop us? After all we have His Spirit living within us. Is there someone that you need to share the gospel with? How about your co-workers or neighbors? Is there someone that you need to invest into? How about your spouse, children, or a younger believer?
As the Father has sent me so I send you. John 20:21
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